Hello Studio!
Fall/Winter Semester 2013 being September 3rd. I can’t believe how the summer flew by!
At the beginning of each school year I encourage each of you to re-familiarize yourself with the Studio website (millerviolinstudio.com) and the Studio’s policies and procedures. All information I distribute to you can be found somewhere on the Studio website. It is meant to be a resource for you and I hope you use it as one.
On the main page you will find a list of upcoming events which includes important studio dates (ex. recitals, group events, etc) as well as a section titled “Featured Post.” Here I re-post important information distributed via email as well as pictures, recordings, repertoire lists, practice ideas, and the like.
All Studio policies, as well as current group class and repertoire lists, can be found under the “Teaching Philosophy” and “Studio” tabs. “Calendars and Events” includes a calendar link to my Google calendar as well as a pdf copy of the monthly calendar I email out each month. FYI: the Google calendar only shows approximately 1 week of lessons at a time, leaving the following weeks blank. If you are looking at the schedule far in advance, reference either the monthly pdf version of the calendar or the semester calendar distributed at the beginning of each semester.
Below you will find pdf copies of the following (hard copies will be distributed at the first lesson of the semester):
– a summary of all studio policies and procedures and a contract stating you have read and agree to all studio policies and procedures
– a Fall/Winter Semester 2013 Semester Calendar
– a Group Class List for Fall/Winter Semester 2013
– a September 2013 Calendar
– a copy of my weekly schedule as well as a Trade List to be used when rescheduling students. THE TRADE LIST IS THE ONLY DOCUMENT THAT WILL NOT BE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE. You will receive a hard copy of it as well as an email of it. I do not want to post my students’ (your) personal information on the website.
As always, if you have questions, feel free to contact me any time.
I am excited for the fall. It is one of my favorite times of year and there are fun things planned for this semester!
Fall:Winter Semester 2013 Policies and Procedures
Fall:Winter Semester 2013 Semester Schedule
Fall:Winter Semester 2013 Group Class Lists
MVS Sept 2013 Calendar
Fall:Winter 2013 Weekly Schedule
Fall:Winter Semester 2013 Trade List