We are almost to our last recital of the 2012-2013 school year! I can’t believe it. Below you will find the Rep lists, Rehearsal Order, and Concert Info. Please let me know if you have any questions about when you need to be where and I’ll see you there!



Twinkle Variations + Theme


Group 1 and 2

Twinkle Theme

Lightly Row

Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Happy/Major and Sad/Minor)

O Come, Little Children

Long Long Ago


Group 3


Perpetual Motion

Gossec Gavotte

Chorus from “Judas Maccabeus”

Gavotte from “Mignon”


Graduation Pieces and Players

Twinkles (with the twinkle group)

Gossec Gavotte: Mindee Lai, Susannah Loss, Zoe Miller,

Boccherini Minuet: Camille Slatterly and Ishika Jha

Bach Bourrée: Isha Jha


Rehearsal/Recital Schedule:

9am                   Twinkle Group

9:15am             Group 1 and 2

9:45am             Group 3

10:15am           Graduation Practice for Gossec, Boccherini, and Bach

11am                 Recital


Concert Info:

–       Student will have a break prior to the concert where they will get a snack and a drink. I can use some help with this. Let me know if you are interested in handing out food/maybe bringing something…I would be very appreciative.

–       Concert dress is Black and/or White. No shorts, jeans, or flip-flops.

–       Please invite family and friends. This is one of my favorite recital of the year!


What counts?

Often I tell students to repeat something 3+ times every day–which they faithfully do, but when they return to the next week the “preview spot” is the same or worse off than before. Why is this? Why did all those repetitions not help?

The answer is in knowing what counts.

When repeating a measure, do you know why I have asked you to repeat it? Is it for the rhythm? For the c#s? The circle bow or wrist circle? A bow in the highway?

There is always a reason and if you can’t tell me why you are repeating something how can the repetitions be helpful?


Second, BE PICKY. You need to pretend that you are me and every time you play the spot in question you should decide if you like it (aka if it was correct) or if is wasn’t right. If it wasn’t right it doesn’t count. I promise that if you are truly picky, each time you repeat it you will improve.

Third, CONCENTRATE. If you find after 3 times you just can’t play it right anymore, are you still thinking about why you are repeating those same three notes? Are you wondering what you are going to have or dinner? Or are you looking out the window?

If you are still thinking about violin, how is your tempo? Often the more we play something the faster we get. Make sure you aren’t going so fast your fingers and your brain can’t keep up.


We had a wonderful recital last Saturday, January 19, 2013.

All the violins came, dressed up and ready to work. We rehearsed during the morning and then performed for our family and friends at 11:30am after a quick donut/snack break. Everyone did a great job!

Here is the link to our YouTube Playlist.


Practicing is Hard.

I know I get to to see your child for a completely different 30 minutes than you see him or her at home and in an effort to lend encouragement as well as organize my thoughts I wanted to share some of the ideas that have been working in lessons along with some that have not.

My recommendation for this week is to find what makes your child tick. And use it. If may be different this week than it was last week and what worked last week will probably not work again so you have to roll with it.

My example: I have a student who loves loves football.  At least right now that is what he loves. The idea of having the puffy man (the cheek of his left hand) stand tall doesn’t work for him.

So we renamed his puffy man Matt Ryan (the Falcons Quarterback…did I know that before this lesson…no way. When asked to think of someone tall that is who my student came up with…) Now, when Matt Ryan (the puffy man) collapses or touches the wood of the neck, he gets “sacked”–which in the eyes of this seven-year-old is the worst possible thing ever. And it’s been working like a charm. Instead of constantly reminding him to stand his hand up tall, all I have to do is say–Matt’s getting sacked…and we have immediate good form.

Victory with with no nagging.

Success on multiple fronts.

Hello all!

I hope you are enjoying a sunny morning–not quite as warm as yesterday but sunshine is always good in my opinion. I just wanted to send a quick reminder about the Violin Group Rehearsal and Recital this Saturday, January 19th, 2013.
Students are to wear black and/or white.

Group 1 and the Twinkler Group are meeting this week as normal (see the January calendar for details).

Also, I AM TEACHING NEXT MONDAY, even though it is a holiday. This is also where PIANO GROUP landed. While not perfect, it is what it is. We will miss you if you cannot come, but will be holding lessons/class anyway.

Saturday’s schedule looks like this:

9:30 Twinkler Rehearsal (Simon, Elise, Eden, Davin, and Wesley)

10-11 All Violins Rehearsal (no Simon and Elise)

11 Break with treats/snacks for students (I could use some parental supervision/help here if anyone is interested)

11:30 Recital begins
***Because I will have filled everyone with snacks and promised donuts (perhaps not smart on my part…) and it will be lunch time when we finish we will not be having refreshments after the recital***

Below is a copy of the program for Saturday. If you notice any typo in regards to the spelling of your child’s name, please email.
Let me know if you have any questions.


Fall Semester 2012 Group Violin Recital program



I was so impressed with the number of students who were able to make our “Make-up” Recital (because I was so sick when our original one was scheduled…)

Thank you Thank you for being there with your families. Everyone did so well!

We were lucky enough to have this recital recorded. I have posted all the video clips on YouTube as unlisted uploads so they aren’t available to everyone–just those who have the links.

Here is a playlist I’ve created of the entire performance. If you would like your specific links let me know so you can forward them on to family and friends if you like.

(Just a side note, Simon, Elise, and Emily are all grouped together in the 2nd clip.)




Hello Studio,

This is just a reminder that we are back to our normally scheduled lessons this week. Below is a list reminding you of group times and information about Thursday’s Solo Recital. Group numbers were messed up on the October calendar but the normal Monday Group 2 is scheduled for today and the normal Tuesday Group 3 is coming tomorrow.

October 15th @ 6pm: Group 2
October 16th @ 6pm: Group 3
October 18th: Solo Recitals at the LDS Belmont Chapel (15 Ledgewood Place Belmont, MA 02478)
Remember: There are two recitals. One at 6:30pm and the other at 7:15pm. You will be assigned a specific Recital to come to. Please arrive 5 minutes early to get tuned. As always, feel free to invite family and friends. Concert attire is required for all performing and requested for all attending (no flip flops, shorts, or jeans).

***There is a lot happening at the church on this night so please enter the building quietly and if the other recital is still going, wait in the foyer. Because there is so much going on we will not be having treats at the end of this recital. (I don’t want to disturb any of the other meetings when we are finished.) Celebrate at home or go out for ice cream. We’ll have a big ta-doo after the next one.

Thanks! If you have questions, please let me know.


Good Morning Studio!

Fall is here and I can’t believe it. There have been two major changes to the upcoming Solo Recital dates due to availability at the church. Not wanting to compete with a Halloween or Christmas party being held downstairs, the recitals on October  and December 8th have been moved to October 18th @ 6:30pm and 7:15pm and December 1st @ 6:30pm and 7:15pm. Please note these changes on your calendars and I will be sure to have them posted in the studio.

Attached is a copy of the Miller Violin Studio October 2012 Calendar. As marked on the Semester Calendar I am not teaching from October 3rd-10th.

I am preparing a contact/info sheet to be distributed to all Studio Families to aid in lesson swapping/trading when conflicts arise. At the beginning of the semester every family received a blank contract/info sheet that was to be returned by Sept 15. I am missing several forms (perhaps they are laying in a pile of music somewhere at my house…sorry if your’s got misplaced!) but in order to provide the most accurate info on the Contact Sheet I need forms from the following families:









A blank copy of the document can be found here.

Thanks for your help and I hope you have a fabulous day!

Hello Studio!

Hopefully everyone survived getting back to school and hopefully schedules are starting to feel a bit more normal! The first Parent Education post can now be viewed on the Studio Blog.

• This week we have our first group classes: Group 1 comes Tuesday at 6pm and the Twinkle Group comes on Friday at 5pm.

• Our Back to School Recital is this Saturday, Sept. 15th, at 6:30pm. It is at the LDS Belmont Chapel at 15 Ledgewood Place. Plan to be there even if you child is not participating. All are welcome and feel free to bring a treat to share. As with all recitals, concert dress is required for all performing and suggested for all attending: no flip flops, no jeans, no shorts.

I have distributed paper copies of the Studio Policies, Fall Semester 2012 Calendar, Info Sheet and Contract, and Group Class lists to most families in the studio but a few of you I have missed. Please remind me in case I missed you! I’ll make sure to get those out this week so you can return your info sheet/contract as close to Sept. 15th as possible.