I want to share with you two of the parent responses I received to my question about the non-musical benefits of taking music lessons. Thanks for your replies!

Stephanie said:

“I think the non-musical benefits include learning to concentrate, gaining confidence, appreciating incremental success, developing respect for others and their talent.

I also think there are many benefits to parents besides listening to great music.  Along the way, I have gained some really valuable parenting perspective.  The band teacher at the middle school is particularly magical and he stressed how much kids need praise for what they get right.  He has some sort of formula for a praise to criticism ratio that has been good for me to remember along the way.  He is good to remind parents about just how hard it is to learn to play an instrument, not that it’s not worth the effort, but that it is effort.  Music has helped me push my kids in ways that I thought were good, like “just learn the first line today,” rather than letting them abandon a piece.  I often remind them at the end that what once seemed impossible is now totally playable.”

Libby said:

“I think there’s a huge benefit in having to practice something over and over as a means to perfection (see Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers). I also think that the repetition required to get a piece performance-ready is a built-in failure/reward system. One of the things that is less and less available to children is the opportunity to fail at something over and over and the intertwined ability to learn from the failure. Playing a piece beautifully requires a lot of playing it less than beautifully and persisting until it gets better. Extrapolate that out to, say, medical research, and someone who learned persistence in the face of failure or only partial success is going to be better prepared to fine-tune a pump for implantation, or more likely to conduct more rigorous studies of a new medication.

We talk a lot about wanting our children to succeed. I’d rather have mine fail, hard as it is for all of us when that happens. If they learn that failure isn’t final, that picking up and starting over is always an option, that they will most likely fail repeatedly at any skill before getting it right, they’re going to be more resilient and resourceful adults, people who have the confidence that they can do hard things.”

Things to add to our list would be:

Gaining confidence
Appreciating incremental success
Developing respect for others and their talent
Repetitive practice
Failure/reward system
learn how to succeed in spite of failure
how to try

I received some great responses back to my Parent Education question from last week about the non-musical benefits of taking music lessons. I’ll be sharing some of those next week but this week I wanted to give you my list. Read through and see if you agree/ disagree or if you can think of additional things that should be added.

Body awareness.
How to stand tall and confident
Small motor skill development
Listening skills.
Hearing something and being able to reproduce it
Eye finger coordination
Ear finger coordination
Hearing directions and following them
Working as a team with an adult
Being part of a group (playing implications and behavior implications)
Accountability: how to have a job and be held responsible for it
Group behavior
Respect to parent
Respect for adult
Respect for peers
Problem solving: how to break down a big project into bite size chunks
Recognizing positive qualities
Learning how to give and take criticism
Learning how to fail/how to react when things don’t go as you had planned
Achieving goals
Doing hard things
Having fun in a learning environment
Time management: practicing/getting ready for concerts
Preparednes/ownership: bringing books, instrument
Care of instrument/taking care of something fragile
Persistence/doing something you don’t like sometimes
How to track progress
Short term and long term goals: how to set/how to achieve

If you think of more, please tell me and we’ll add them to the list.